Michael Gerber
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Lennon and McCartney by David Bailey, 1965.

Lennon and McCartney by David Bailey, 1965.

My favorite photo ever of John and Paul, taken by David “Blow Up” Bailey in January 1965. Speaks volumes.

In analysis that is almost Dullbloggian in its grain of detail, Joshua Wolf Shenk addresses the Lennon/McCartney collaboration in this multi-part series in Slate. Take a look; if you’re reading this blog, you’ll really enjoy it.

This article–part of a series on famous collaborations–was forwarded to me by my own dear collaborator Jonathan Schwarz. Jon and I wrote a bunch of humor back in the 90s. You can read Jon’s own “Yesterday” (or “Help!” depending) in Fierce Pyjamas, The New Yorker‘s collection of its best humor since 1925.

But back to Macca and Lenny: Let the analysis of the analysis begin!

PS—My Beatle book, Life After Death for Beginners, is done; I’m just waiting for it to go live on Amazon, then I’m planning on offering a free download day on Hey Dullblog as a thanks to all the wonderful Beatle peedles here. So watch this space!