The Beatles as rock gods…literally

By |2014-12-28T13:52:46-08:00December 18, 2014|Beatle-inspired, Beatles merch, Beatles on the Web, India, rishikesh|

NANCY CARR • Sarah Yakawonis, who runs the Etsy shop Yakawonis Quilling, has created images of each of the Beatles as a literal rock god, with intriguing results. Looking perfectly contented, George. George, perfectly at home With George's affinity for Indian spiritual traditions, it's appropriate that he comes off particularly well (his portrait incorporates aspects of Krishna). With his beads and meditative posture, George looks like he'd be right at home in Rishikesh, and as if he could hold his serene pose indefinitely. Watch out for that fire, John. John, creating and destroying If John were a Hindu deity, [...]