Don’t judge by its disturbing cover . . .

By |2014-12-07T14:22:48-08:00March 3, 2012|John Lennon, Paul McCartney|

“Lennon and McCartney: Together Alone” (2007) is an in-depth look at the solo careers of both men that is comprehensive, well-written and illustrated, and refreshingly free of bias. It’s changed the way I think about some of Lennon's and McCartney's solo music. For example, I’ll never hear “Watching the Wheels” the same way again. I can hardly stand to read anything biographical about either Lennon or McCartney anymore, since so many writers moved to compose book-length works on them are grinding an ax of some variety. Reading John Blaney’s book was, for me, like opening a window and letting welcome fresh air [...]