White Album Not All That, Writer Claims

By |2014-07-07T13:46:38-07:00November 6, 2009|1968, Beatles vs. Stones, The White Album|

Nik Cohn & Ben Ratliff DEVIN McKINNEY  •  Here, via Rockcritics.com, is a New York Times podcast from September, half of which is devoted to a talk between music critic Ben Ratliff and pop-crit originator Nik Cohn on the remastered version of the White Album (which Ratliff deliciously informs us is currently #16 on the LP charts, "right below Lady Gaga"). Cohn, who was the Times's London correspondent on pop matters circa 1968-70, trashed the Beatles' masterpiece in their pages (see the December 15, 1968, headline bannering this post); now he has softened somewhat, admitting subtleties and qualities precluded at [...]