Hey Dullblog Loves Harry Nilsson!

By |2021-06-15T18:04:50-07:00June 15, 2021|Uncategorized|

I have always been simply potty for John and Paul's "favorite American group," born 80 years ago today on June 15, 1941. Here are a few of our posts on Harry over the years. 2010: Info on the film "Who Is Harry Nilsson? (And why is everybody talking about him?)" 2011: Nilsson's cover of "Isolation"  2013: Harry Nilsson: The Shadow Beatle (MG discusses the tragic arc of Nilsson and Lennon) 2014: Jimmy Webb on Harry Nilsson 2019: A Touch of Nilsson in the Night (Pussycats era demos) It is my tragic fate to have been born one day before Harry. Guess who [...]

Happy 50th Birthday to McCartney’s “Ram”

By |2021-05-17T09:07:42-07:00May 17, 2021|1971, anniversaries, Linda McCartney, Paul McCartney, Ram, Uncategorized|

It was 50 years ago today that Paul and Linda McCartney released Ram, an album that's become more popular over the decades. I've talked at length about my love for the album here, and have often recommended this Jayson Greene Pitchfork review of the album's 2012 reissue. Perhaps because Ram was created at a time in Paul McCartney's life when he had to figure out how to pick up and keep going when everything was falling apart, my affection for the album has increased over the past year and a half. In this second decade of the 21st century, we're all trying to "ram [...]

Prince Plays While My Guitar Gently Weeps

By |2021-05-01T21:12:39-07:00May 1, 2021|Uncategorized|

One of the things that I love about The Beatles is that all their songs—even all the parts of their songs—sound right to my ear. Other people can cover a Beatles song and their version might be interesting, or even good, but it won't sound as perfect as the original. Eric Clapton's solo on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is definitely like that—the magic was so strong, it even extended to session men (Billy Preston is another example of this). Then I listened to this 2004 solo by Prince at George Harrison's induction ceremony into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. [...]

Beatles and Class Open Thread

By |2021-04-29T14:14:38-07:00April 29, 2021|Uncategorized|

I'd like to try to break out some of the more important issues brought up in comments, and put them in one themed thread, so browsers/new users of this blog can find and follow the discussion more efficiently. Please continue your discussion of the Beatles and the UK class system in the comments here. Thank you.

Albert Brooks on John Lennon

By |2021-04-24T18:11:08-07:00April 24, 2021|Uncategorized|

Brooks, Lennon, et al. [Stalwart @Hologram Sam posted some of this as a comment, but it's just too good not to surface on the main page. Albert Brooks is a comedian's comedian—someone I want to get for Bystander—and his seminal comedy LP "Comedy Minus One" came out in 1973. This is from a 2012 Vanity Fair interview by Judd Apatow.—M.G.] J.A. You said you were friends with Harry Nilsson? A.B. I was. He was one of these comedy-freak guys. He would come and see my shows and he was very sweet and a massive drinker. I didn’t drink and I wound up being [...]

More Beatle Cars!

By |2021-11-19T14:02:29-08:00April 19, 2021|Uncategorized|

I have been busy with other stuff and just saw Nancy's wonderful Beatle Cars post. As a fan of 60s sports cars and the Fabs, I have just too much to say for a comment. If you want to afford any of these cars, you can try your luck winning a bucket-load of cash on sites such as 해외정식사이트. John's 1965 Phantom V—For example, did Nancy mention that Lennon's famous psychedelic Rolls had a backseat that converted into a double bed? (I foresee no problems at all with that, Cyn.)  And also the first blackened privacy windows seen in the UK (ditto) [...]

Bert Parks Sings “Let ‘Em In”

By |2021-04-19T21:59:06-07:00April 19, 2021|Uncategorized|

Just when I think, "I fully and completely grok the sublime weirdness of the 1960s and 70s," I discover something more. Another level (of which there are, as we all know, seven). In the future, historians will conclude, "Everybody was absurdly high. All the time." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJBDcb7kq_g As a palate-cleanser, here is a relatively non-insane modern remix from the people (person?) at Disco Purrfection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T553QuLWHwg

The Beatles and Forrest Gump

By |2021-03-10T08:49:02-08:00March 10, 2021|Uncategorized|

Ah, you didn't think there was a connection between the Beatles and Forrest Gump? Perhaps you've blocked that 1994 Robert Zemeckis film from your memory? (In which case, smart move.) Well, the great columnist and critic Lindy West is here to remind you of the link in her new book Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema. In the film, Forrest ends up on the Dick Cavett show, along with John Lennon. West excerpts the following dialogue: Gump: In the land of China, people hardly got nothing at all. Lennon: No possessions? Gump: And in China, they never go to Church. Lennon: No religion too? [...]

Sympathy for the Devil?

By |2021-03-01T12:05:54-08:00March 1, 2021|Uncategorized|

James Angleton, head of CIA Counterintelligence from 1954-1975. His opinion about The Beatles remains a mystery. Just a quick post, but a thought that I believe is important enough to surface up top. Recently some commenters have been using the Krays thread to explore conspiracy theories surrounding John Lennon's murder. This topic is, to me, more than fair game—it has been bubbling under the surface of Hey Dullblog for at least a decade, and I am perfectly happy to have commenters surmise, as long as it's done in an appropriately forensic manner. Adults speaking facts to other adults. What do [...]

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