Michael Gerber
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American Bystander #1

The big, beautiful beast that is the rest of my life.

Hey Dullblog wouldn’t be what it is today without my dayjob, The American Bystander. For the past several years, I’ve been working with a team to create the next great print humor magazine. Issue #1, a big and beautiful softcover book, is finally done — or it would be, if you guys would stop distracting me! (“Were John and Paul Lovers?” I still have no idea, but I predict the comments will hit 250.)

Both John and George were involved with projects like this; John hung around National Lampoon for a while when he and Yoko lived on Bank St. And George, well, you better believe I’d be contacting Mr. Papadopolous if he were still alive. This time, he’d only have to mortgage Friar Park’s garden shed.

The American Bystander. Fab.

We’re running a Kickstarter campaign to see if there’s still an audience for print humor magazines. If you have this peculiar itch, Bystander #1 will surely scratch it — it boasts material from all sorts of impressive folks: Jack Handey from Saturday Night Live, George Meyer from The Simpsons, Monty Python’s Terry Jones, Roz Chast, and many others. You can check out the Kickstarter here. There’s also a video, so the next time I type, “I love Magical Mystery Tour!” you’ll sorta hear me saying it.

Nancy, Ed, Devin and I make a point of not promoting our own work on the site; it was tempting to remind everyone of Life After Death for Beginners on Lennon’s 75th, but I decided against it. But I’m making an exception this once because, without the time paid for by The American Bystander, Hey Dullblog would have coasted amiably to a halt in 2013. Instead, I’ve been able to show it the kind of attention normally reserved for paid gigs — making sure that whether you’ve been reading us since 2008, or just arrived today, Hey Dullblog adds something unique to your love and appreciation of the Beatles. Over the weekend, a new reader wrote to say that they had been going through a rough time and that the site was a real comfort. You’re welcome, friend, and remember: nothing is Beatle-proof. (I’m not kidding.)

I’m so delighted with what we’ve made here together; going and pledging to The Bystander is a nice way to tell me you feel the same. If cash is tight, and when is it not, sharing the link will help. Email it, tweet it, post it on Facebook: http://kck.st/1Mz7yPo. Mr. Papadopolous would approve.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.